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Fly To A Web

Fly To A Web

It is an invisible thread that binds me and you,

One that holds us fast as glue.

Nothing can ever tear us apart,

We beat together as one heart.


Our hearts and emotions are entwined,

Nothing compares to us, we are one of a kind.

Our love is stronger than iron,

Our love has the strength of a lion.


You are my backbone and I am your spine,

I am your glory, you are my shrine.

We stick together like a fly to a web,

You are the moon; I am the sea’s ebb.


Your love is like the sea, so vast and so deep,

My love to you is a memento that you will keep.

Do Not Cry

Do Not Cry

Do not cry when I have gone,

I’ll see you soon, it won’t be long.


You’ll hear my laugh in the springtime breeze,

You’ll hear my song from the birds in the trees.

I am the fallen blossom that dances through the street,

I am the grass that grows beneath your feet.


Do not cry, it’s not goodbye.


I am in the heavens, wrapped in golden light,

I am the stars that shine so clear and bright.

I am the spring rain that falls from above,

Landing on you softly, showering you with love.

I am the colour from flowers growing wild,

I am the love to which you embrace a child.


Do not cry, it’s not goodbye.


I am no longer afraid or in pain,

Don’t be sad, you have nothing to gain.

Remember me with joy and love,

I will be watching you from above.

Think of me when you look at the moon,

Do not cry, I will see you soon.


Do not cry, it’s not goodbye


But for now, carry on,

I’m here in soul, I have not gone.

Hold your head high, Try to be strong,

Your grief and sorrow, you must not prolong.

Be brave, have strength and be happy,

Remember these words when you think of me.


Do not cry for it is not goodbye

Chapter 12. Call For An Ambulance

Call For An Ambulance

I heard a noise from outside of my window

I looked out and saw Louise below

She was running past my garden gate

Running past with AnnMarie, her mate

Inside my head I cussed at her, wished she were dead

And for a few seconds, I turned my head

What happened next was like a bad dream

I faced the window again, as I heard a piercing scream

Louise was impaled on one of the gates metal spikes

Lying next to her were two racing bikes

Louise’s feet were touching the floor

But the spike was embedded through her jaw

AnnMarie was sobbing and crying

Louise was stuck on the spike, bleeding and dying

Two little kids were shouting “It was an accident

We didn’t mean to crash into her, it was not meant”

She had lost lots of blood, her face was grey

I could see her life slipping away

I just stood leaning against the window sill

I couldn’t move, I kept still

I watched Louise as her blood ran down her chin and arm

I knew she had done some serious harm

Her feet suddenly started to slip

From the ground they lost their grip

Louise started to splutter, started to cough

As her jaw almost got ripped off

I whisper to myself “You’ve dropped something on the floor

Oh yes Louise, it is your jaw”

I could see her eyes rolling to the top of her head

If she didn’t receive help, she would soon be dead

I opened the window and stuck my head out

“Call for an ambulance!” I heard AnnMarie shout

I didn’t want to do it, I didn’t know why

For some strange reason, I wanted Louise to die

I heard a voice screaming in my head


I saw Louise’s body begin to shake and quiver

Down my spine, ran a cold shiver

I knew Louise’s body was quickly failing

In the distance I hear an ambulance siren wailing

“The ambulance is coming” I hear AnnMarie hark

Then all I remember is the room going dark

Next thing I know, I was tucked up in bed

Mum sitting beside me, telling me Louise was dead

I think as I fainted, I must have hit my head off the floor

Because my head was extremely sore

Sore wasn’t the word, as it hurt very much

Yet strangely… not to the touch

The next few weeks past in a blur

All I kept seeing was images of her

The headaches were driving me insane

I thought I had a haemorrhage in my brain

My mental health needed some attention

I went to the doctors to seek medical intervention

To the doctor I gave a symptom description

He took out a pad and wrote a prescription

He said most people would have done the same in my situation

He also recommended a well needed vacation

But I didn’t want to go on holiday

I didn’t want to go away

I just wanted to be left alone

I just wanted to be on my own

My behaviour was causing mum and dad to be stressed

So they went on holiday instead, they thought it was best

I hope you enjoyed my little preview to The Jaw.  Please bookmark this blog to find out all the up to date news on when The Jaw will be available to buy.

Chapter 11. Hit a Nerve

Hit a Nerve

 Life was good for many years

I had no worries, stress or fears

My eighteenth birthday was such fun

I received expensive gifts from everyone

Perfume, jewellery designer suits

Manicures, Pedicures and leather boots

Leather handbags, bottles of champagne

Solid gold earrings, an expensive gold chain


Aunty Rita made me a birthday cake

She loved to cook, she loved to bake

She also booked me a limousine

I felt as though I was a queen

I felt like a queen minus the crown

I looked my friends up and down

I thought I was so much better than them

And that’s where my snobbery started to stem


I always used to have lots of money

Mock my friends, I thought it was funny

Louise, Helen and AnnMarie

Had much less than me

Louise was talking to her friend

She was upfront, she didn’t pretend

I think I might have hit a nerve

Because I overheard something I didn’t deserve”


“She thinks that she is gorgeous, thinks that she is pretty

She thinks that she is funny; she thinks that she is witty

She thinks she is a beauty queen

She thinks she’s God, she thinks she’s supreme

But she is nothing but a spoilt little cow

I tell you this and I tell you this now

She is nothing but a gold digger

Each day her greed gets bigger and bigger

How dare she compare me?

And how dare she compare thee

She walks around with her head stuck up her bum

Just because she has a fairly rich mum

She thinks she is better than all of us

At her I would like to scream and cuss

I hate the way she styles her hair

I hate the way she holds her nose up in the air

She is nothing but a tart

I tell you something, she had better not start

I would love to slap her face

I would love to shove her all over the place

I would love to slap her sore

She thinks she is rich and we are poor

Well poor her, I am telling you now

She is nothing but a spoilt cow

AnnMarie only pretends to like her

To lose Betty’s friendship, she would prefer


If Betty wasn’t my so called friend

I would get her arm and her arm I would bend

I would bend it right in half

She would cry, she wouldn’t laugh

How dare she have the nerve to mock me?

I will get her back, just wait and see

I am going to wait until late at night

And jump out on her and give her a fright

Then I am going to break her arm

I am going to cause her such harm

Then I am going to jump on her head

I’m not going to stop until she is dead

I hate the way she looks down on me

I’m going to kick her in the eye, until she can’t see

And then upon her head I will pound

I will make sure she never gets off the ground

I’m sorry girls; I know she’s meant to be our friend

But her boasting drives me around the bend

I’m sorry girls; I shouldn’t have said all that

But she is nothing but a dirty alley cat

I’m sorry girls if I sounded snotty

But her soul is so murky and grotty

Come on girls before I pretend to blub

Who is coming with me to the pub?”


“Well I couldn’t believe what I had just heard

How stupid, how silly, how dumb, how absurd

They were just bitches, it was plain to see

None of it was true, it was just jealousy

They were so petty and pathetic

Their jibes and cruelty just made me sick

They were just jealous because my life was perfect

So until they apologised, their friendship I would neglect

What they said had obviously hurt

How dare Louise talk about me as if I were dirt!

So I tossed my head back and walked back home

My friendship… they had just blown


Well of course I was very upset

How mean can anyone get?

Those things they had said about me were not true

They were just bitches through and through

At least I could turn to my mum

Make her feel sorry for me by sucking my thumb

If I fluttered my eyelashes and pretended to get upset

Many hugs and kisses I would get


I loved her kiss, I loved her hug

It would make me feel warm and snug

I loved the kisses my mum would give me

They weren’t like Graham’s, all sordid and seedy

So I went home and told my mum

Sat on her knee and sucked my thumb

Mum said “Don’t worry, your pain will go away”

And that Louise would be sorry one day


I went to go and tidy my room

Gave it a quick sweep with the broom

I went to throw a very old coat away

I looked in the pocket, Oh wow…Hey

There was my locket from long ago

Should I throw it away? I must not, oh no

So I put the locket around my neck

And it was still as itchy as heck

I swore I would never take it off my neck again

And from removing it I would refrain

Chapter 12

Chapter 10. Aunty Rita

Aunty Rita

I was always spoilt rotten

Because my young childhood was never forgotten

I was bought expensive clothes and expensive underwear

I was bought designer perfume and got extensions in my hair

Mum used to buy me all sorts of nice things

From silver jewellery, to nine carat gold rings

Dad wasn’t at home very much, he was always at work

I didn’t know what he did; I think he was an office clerk

But it was OK as I had my Aunty Rita

She used to be married to my uncle peter

Aunty Rita was my mum’s twin sister

They stuck together like a plaster to a blister

If my mum was busy Aunty Rita would be there

She was very stylish and wore things with flair

She was as mad and as flambouent as they came

Her crazy antics drove me insane

Mum and Rita looked like two peas in a pod

But Aunty Rita behaved a little odd

Not in a deranged way, she was just a little aloof

Her weird ways and habits were enough proof

Her house was immaculate, clean and tidy

She would rearrange the furniture every Friday

She would make us take our shoes off at the front door

Hated the look of shoe prints on her highly polished floor

She would wash her hands twenty times a day

She said it helped keep the germs and bugs at bay

Aunty Rita was lovely but very queer

She didn’t like people to come to near

She dreaded the thought of catching the flu

Said people harboured more germs than a public loo

Rita said germs were every where

On people’s clothes, in people’s hair

On people’s hands, in people’s ears

Yes germs were Aunty Rita’s worst fears

I remember her coming to visit, she had a black eye

“I walked into a door” she had said with a sigh

We all knew my Uncle Peter was mean and tough

But one day Aunty Rita had suffered enough

Peter was having an affair, Rita caught him playing away

And started divorce proceedings the very next day

She had a party when the divorce came through

She was parting hard; she said “Why should I be blue?”

But Aunty Rita had a bad heart

And for this she had to keep a chart

I don’t know what the chart was for

But she couldn’t go above ten or more

She wasn’t allowed any stress

She wasn’t meant to be under duress

I loved my Aunty Rita almost as much as my mum

My Aunty Rita was the best, she was my best chum

I asked Aunty Rita about my biological mum

She pulled a face that looked so glum

She said that my mum was evil and mad

And that my dad was just as bad

She said mum was a big believer in the occult

And against the authorities she would often revolt

She said my real mum believed in Witch Craft

She said all that mumbo jumbo was just daft

Rita said I was better off without my real mum

And that my real mum and dad were nothing but scum

Aunty Rita was probably right

She was always clever and bright

So I put my real mum and dad to the back of my head

As far as I was concerned they may as well be dead

Chapter 11